Yoga Videos
Yoga Āsanas effect on the Endocrine System.
Morning practice in Rarotonga
Head Stand Bench - Back Bends
How to prepare for yoga inversions
Level 2 Standing Asanas
How to use a yoga chair - Inversions in Rarotonga
A strong series leading into eka pada koundinyasana.
Morning Practice with Deb Mann
Standing poses using the chair - Matavera, Rarotonga
Standing poses that support the pelvic floor.
A progression into Akarna Dhanurasana
Preparation for Padmasana (lotus pose).
Pregnancy Yoga - How to use the legs to relieve lower backs pain.
Seated Twists + Padmasana
Energizing Morning Practice
Backbends for Beginners - Deb Mann
Trestle - Sarvanagasana
Trestle - Standing Asanas
Reverse the effects of sitting.
Supported Standing Series.
Relieving Back Pain
Headstand on the Shells
Setu Bandasana on a Bench
Sun Over the Horizon
Wild & Windy
Malasana to Parsva Bakasana
Ubud - Bali Retreat.
Backbends, Bakasana in Bali
Eka Pada - One Leg
Standing Asanas on a Bench
Morning Practice
Twists to Arm Balances
Beginners Practice - Francesca Hopkins
Blindfold - Standing
Viparita Dandasana - Deck
Supported Inversions
Supported Drop Backs
Squats to Arm Balances
Bird Poses
Arm Strengthening
3 Point Headstand Arm Balances
Following the Yoga Joes
Preparation to Headstand
Drop Backs - Tamar Munch 1st stage.
Drop Backs - Suzi Carson, 2nd stage.
Surya Namaskar
Eka Pada - One leg
Release Tight Shoulders
Elastic Strap - around back leg.
Elastic Strap - around front leg.
Salutes for Beginners.
Warrior Women
Balance + Strength + Extension