Pregnancy Yoga -

Ponsonby Studio & Online Classes

Suzi Carson offers one of Auckland's most well-established pregnancy yoga courses, (it began in 1998). Suzi is passionate about teaching pregnant women the benefits of yoga and helping them have the most successful birth experience. 

At Four Winds Yoga we recommend you start the pregnancy classes from 14 weeks onwards. Between weeks 11-13 take it easy; no heavy lifting or excessive exercise, including yoga.

Everything is provided in the Ponsonby studio, you will need some equipment if you are practicing online with us.

Bookings essential.

Pregnancy Yoga Timetable


09h30-11h00 Studio Beg/Gen/Preg with Suzi


09h30-11h00 Online Beg/Gen/Preg with Suzi

18h00-19h30 Studio Beg/Gen/Preg with Suzi


09h00-10h30 Studio Beg/Gen/Preg with Deb


Pregnancy Class Price

Studio & Online classes: $190 | 10 classes

Casual (one off) $23