Circulatory System
Effect of Yoga Exercise on Circulatory System
Yoga Asanas, and Pranayama improves the blood circulation and thereby reduces the causes of hypertension, heart attack or stroke. Yoga helps to prevent various circulatory ailments and illnesses such as high blood pressure, shallow breathing, muscle tension and coronary heart disease.
Science says...
The blood circulatory system (cardiovascular system) delivers nutrients and oxygen to all cells in the body. The circulatory system includes the heart, blood vessels and the blood. It transports the nutrients and oxygen to the tissues and removes carbon dioxide and other waste products of metabolism from the tissues. For this purpose the blood is continuously circulated in the body by rhythmic pumping action of the heart and through a complex network of the blood vessels. The blood acts as a vehicle that carries the products of digestion from the alimentary canal and the oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. While returning to the heart, the blood brings the toxic substances or the waste products back to the heart. The kidneys, lungs and the skin eliminate these substances when the blood circulates through them. The blood, thus, communicates with all the systems and organs, regulates the water level and the temperature of the body
Yoga’s impact on cardiovascular health
While not all yoga movements raise the heart rate to suggested aerobic levels, yoga has a positive impact on how efficiently blood moves. An asana practice can increase blood circulation and decrease levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, in the body
The lower levels of stress enjoyed by yogis has a significant impact on creating healthier blood pressure. Yoga has also been shown to reduce cholesterol levels, thus reducing the interference of blood flow. Low-impact, meditative poses can also reduce potentially artery-clogging stress hormones. Examples of such poses are like Sukhasana (easy crossed legged pose) or Balasana (child’s pose). Different asanas in Yoga have a different effect on the circulatory system
In standing poses, the lateral wall of the heart is exercised in such a manner that it becomes flexible and toned up. Standing poses help in improving the flow of blood along the walls of the heart thus preventing heart diseases.
Inverted postures in Yoga helps to prevent muscle and cell tissue degeneration due to the benefits that the inverted poses have on the body. Inverted postures help in effective blood circulation to the brain. Moreover the lymph system in the legs and the muscles are properly rested in exercises involving inverted poses. On the other hand. blood pressure in horizontal poses is effectively brought under control as the performance of horizontal postures helps in resting and rejuvenating the heart and lungs.
In bending forward postures the body experiences improved blood supply to the cardiac muscles. This leads to a toning up of the myocardium or the heart muscles.
Yoga exercise benefits the entire circulatory system, beginning with the production of blood, which takes place in the marrow of the long bones in the thighs. It has been shown that daily yoga stretching exercises are helping to rejuvenate the blood. Yoga exercises stretch the body’s major blood vessels, keeping them free-flowing and elastic.
Furthermore, improved circulation will improve alertness, memory, and mood. Vital organs are receiving a steady supply of the nutrients they need for optimal functioning.
Many research studies have documented the usefulness of yoga in the treatment of various lifestyle related diseases, especially heart circulatory disease.
A healthy circulatory system is important for healthy living. Yoga exercise helps to prevent various circulatory ailments and illnesses such as high blood pressure, shallow breathing, muscle tension and coronary heart disease.
Yoga Practices for the Circulatory System:
Surya Namaskar - includes a series of postures that stretches and strengthen every part of the body. Utthistha Sthiti (standing asanas).can be incorporated into the salutes.
Viparita Sthiti (inversions) - increase circulation around the neck and chest, facilitating healthy blood flow through the brain, including the pituitary and pineal glands. All of the organic systems of the body, including the endocrine and lymphatic systems, benefit from inversions. Particularly useful: Viparita Karani - inducing blood flow from the legs back to the heart. It is particularly helpful for those suffering from varicose veins.
Upavistha Sthiti - Seated Postures: Janu Sirsasana, Marichyasana !, Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana. As the spine lengthens during the forward fold, blood circulation to the brain is enhanced.
Parivrtta Sthiti - Connective tissue around the spine is nourished and strengthened with better blood circulation and oxygen supply too.
Pranam Sthiti (prayer position) - Pranayama - Deep breathing and alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Sodhana).